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The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Grow Your Business Leadership with Molly Gimmel

How to Grow Your Business Leadership with Molly Gimmel social imageMolly K. Gimmel is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Design To Delivery Inc. (D2DInc), an award-winning firm providing program and acquisition management support services to Federal government agencies. Molly has been working in the field of government contract and acquisition management since 1991. Before co-founding D2DInc in 2001, she spent eight years working in the government practices of three of the “Big Five” accounting/consulting firms. In 2021, Molly founded the Vellamo Leadership Institute to help women become more effective leaders.

In this episode, Molly shares her wisdom on how you can become a better leader for your business. She shares some examples of mindsets that can help your leadership and confidence grow, as well as the importance of having an overall mindset of learning and growth. She discusses how you can present yourself authentically without necessarily airing out all your dirty laundry. She also talks about Imposter Syndrome as it pertains to gaining new positions, how it can impact you, and the effects of both negative and positive self-talk.

“The person that you’re best equipped to help is the person that you used to be.” – Molly Gimmel

Listen to the podcast below:


Podcast Image Molly Gimmel quote

This week on SmallBizChat Podcast:

  • Molly’s journey through the world of business
  • The inspiration behind the creation of the Vellamo Leadership Institute
  • How can you gain confidence in your self as a leader
  • How Imposter Syndrome can affect you and how to overcome those effects
  • The importance and effects of self-talk
  • What mindsets should you pursue in order to grow as a leader
  • How best to present your authentic self

Connect with Molly Gimmel

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The post The SmallBizChat Podcast: How to Grow Your Business Leadership with Molly Gimmel appeared first on Succeed As Your Own Boss.


By: FR34thk

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